六年级的英语改错题1.He is a old man.2.Don't is late next time.3.She plant many treeswith her friend last week.


1.He is a old man.2.Don't is late next time.3.She plant many trees
with her friend last week.

1. he is a(an) old man .
2.don't is (be) late next time .
3.she plant(planted) many trees with her friend last week.
last week 明确的过去时 动词用过去时态

1.He is an old man a - an 修饰元音字母开头的需用an
2.Don't be late next time is - be 固定词组
3.She planted many trees with her friend last week. plant - planted ,注意此句是过去时。


1. a改为an o是元音字母,前面加an
2 is改为be be late固定词组
3 plant 改为planted last week是过去式,动词+ed

1.He is an old man a - an
2.Don't be late next time is - be
3.She planted many trees with her friend last week. plant - planted

1.He is an old man.
2.Don't be late next time.
3.She plants many trees with her friend last week.

1. a改为an old是元音字母开头的单词,前面加an,即an old
2 is改为be 助动词don't 必须加动词原形,所以改为be
3 plant 改为planted last week是过去的时间,动词用过去式,动词+ed