恳请高手帮忙英语外贸翻译请帮忙翻译一下下面的短文:很高兴再次和您联络,希望你每天都过得开心.这次我很高兴给您推荐几款我们公司出的新产品,我想他们肯定会令您满意的.就像您所知道的那样,我们公司的产品最大的特点就是环保和实用完美结合,这正顺应了现在人们所倡导绿色环保的生活理念.而且我们款式多样,花色齐全,在世界各地都有很好的销路.这次一并发给您商品目录和价格表希望您能过目. 期待您的回信.并祝您工作愉快.身体健康.



Glad to contact you once more, I hope you happy every day .
I would be pleased to recommend several of our company's new productto you , I think they will definitely make you satisfied. As you know, most features of our products is the perfect combination of environment and practical, which is in tune with people advocated concept of green living method now. And we have various styles, all kinds of colors, sells very good in the world market. We send you this catalog and price list ,hope you can have a look.
Looking forward to your reply. Wish you work happily and healthy.

Very happy to contact you, hope you happy every day passes.
This time, I am pleased to recommend several of our company's new product, I think they will definitely make you satisfied. As you know, most of our products feature the perfect combination of environmental and practical, which is in tune with people now advocated concept of green living. And we are various styles, colors and complete, all good in the world market. Be issued to you in this catalog and price list hope you have a look.
Look forward to your reply. Wish you all good and keep heathy.

Dear Sir/Madam,I am very happy to receive your message.I wish you to be happy always.I am glad to introduce you our company's new product.I am sure that you will satisfy for our products.As per your u...