请分析各长难句instead of falling to the floor,as we expected,it flew across the room till it struck the ceiling,where it fluttered a while,and finally sank to the floor.从语法角度分析,比如说开头的介词短语什么成分,后面的AS是非限制定语从句,这样,其实也不算难,但希望能帮我分析的详细而且完备一点GET INTO A LINE THAT YOU WILL FIND TO BE A DEEP PERSONAL INTEREST,SOMETHING YOU REALLY ENJOY SPENDING 12TO 15 hours a day working at,and the rest of the time thinking about.请帮我翻译这个句子,有点不明白为什么FIND后面跟TO


instead of falling to the floor,as we expected,it flew across the room till it struck the ceiling,where it fluttered a while,and finally sank to the floor.
GET INTO A LINE THAT YOU WILL FIND TO BE A DEEP PERSONAL INTEREST,SOMETHING YOU REALLY ENJOY SPENDING 12TO 15 hours a day working at,and the rest of the time thinking about.

1.Instead of falling to the floor,as we expected,it flew across the room till it struck the ceiling,where it fluttered a while,and finally sank to the floor.它不像我们预料的落到地板上,而是飞过了房间,...