说为什么!1.Your country is sending 145 athletes to take part in the Plympic Games.They are all travelling by air.The sports reporters are going by coach.Each of the two coaches can carry 56 prople.The team managers are going by car.They travel in five cars,each car with four seats.480 supporters are arriving by train.How many people in total?


1.Your country is sending 145 athletes to take part in the Plympic Games.They are all travelling by air.The sports reporters are going by coach.Each of the two coaches can carry 56 prople.The team managers are going by car.They travel in five cars,each car with four seats.480 supporters are arriving by train.
How many people in total?



athletes 145sports reporters = 56 people/coach * 2 coaches = 112 managers = 4 people/car * 5 cars = 20 supporters 480total = 145 + 112 + 20 + 480 =757(前提是车全坐满了)