论文摘要急求英文翻译,不要机翻,感谢大家帮助我国是水资源最短缺的国家之一,在生产中开发第二水源的意义重大.矿井水是煤炭开采过程中伴生的副产物,既是一种具有行业特征的污染源,又是一种宝贵的水资源.如果能实现矿井水资源化,则能变废为宝,开发水源,缓解煤矿企业供水压力.本文论述了我国矿井水处理利用的现状及存在的问题,国内外水处理方面的研究现状和发展趋势以及矿井水的开发前景,介绍了鹤壁地区的缺水状况,运用环境监测、环境工程和水处理等方面的理论知识,分析总结了鹤煤集团本部矿区矿井水的水质特点.本文以十矿为试点,研究确定了水处理工艺流程,即十矿矿井水属高悬浮物矿井水,适合采用预沉淀、絮凝、沉淀、过滤等步骤进行处理,出水水质达到GB50335-2002控制指标,可作为热电厂冷却循环用水,将带来良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益.研究表明,这种工艺简单、经济可行、效果良好的水处理工艺,适合在鹤煤集团本部矿井进行推广. 关键词:矿井水;水处理;水质;絮凝;沉淀



Our country is one of the countries with the most shortage of water resources, water in the production process of the significant development. Mine water is coal mining process associated by-products, is a kind of pollution, with profession characteristic is a valuable resource. If can realize the mine water, can reuse exploitation of water resources, alleviate, coal mining enterprise supply pressure. This paper discusses the mine water treatment and utilization in the present situation and existing problems of domestic and international water treatment, research status and development trend and the prospect of development of mine water, introduces hebi area of water shortages, use environment monitoring, environment engineering and water treatment and other aspects of the theory knowledge, analyzes and summarizes crane coal mining area of the mine water group part water quality characteristics. Based on the pilot, for ten ore determines water treatment process, namely ten ore mine water of the mine water, high suspended for using pre precipitation, flocculation, precipitation, filtering and other steps processing, effluent achieve GB50335-2002 control index, and can be used for cooling water circulation thermal, would bring good economic, social and environmental benefits. Research shows that this technology is simple, economic and feasible, and the effect is good, suitable for water treatment technology in coal group headquarters mines crane promotion