There was too much movement of cars on the city roads,请教这句话的同意句格式是:there was ————————on the city roads


There was too much movement of cars on the city roads,请教这句话的同意句
格式是:there was ————————on the city roads

"heavy traffic"
注意:busy 也可以作“繁忙”讲,如:the busy farming season(农忙季节),a busy day(繁忙的一天)等,但“交通繁忙”却是约定俗成的说法,要用 heavy 形容 traffic,而不是 busy。在大城市,交通一般都比较繁忙,尤其在 rush hours(上下班的高峰期),常常会出现 traffic jam(交通阻塞)。如果要表达“街上车辆很少”,可以说 There is little traffic on the roads。

Too much movement of cars on the city roads.

there was heavy traffic on the city roads
