O句中of是什么意思,做什么成份.Of celebrations and mournings,of passionate love and the longing thereof.做什么成份.原文From the depths of outer space,our planet Earth is a magnificent blue dot.Teeming with a diversity of people,engaged in the events of life.Of celebrations and mournings,of passionate love and the longing thereof.Surrounded by beauty,haunted by its absense.Blessed,tormented.Of joys,and hardships.Rollercoastering!And from all of this,ART.As varied in style,


Of celebrations and mournings,of passionate love and the longing thereof.做什么成份.
From the depths of outer space,our planet Earth is a magnificent blue dot.
Teeming with a diversity of people,engaged in the events of life.
Of celebrations and mournings,of passionate love and the longing thereof.Surrounded by beauty,haunted by its absense.Blessed,tormented.
Of joys,and hardships.Rollercoastering!
And from all of this,ART.
As varied in style,subject,colour and emotions,as the people raging over the planet.

比如: Of all my friends,u r the smartest. 在我所有朋友中,你是最聪明的
