1.Lucy's shoes are bigger than Lily's.(同义句)___________________________________________________2.She'd like to eat some bread.(就划线部分提问)___________________________________________________3.农民们每年这个时候都忙着收割.(汉译英)Farmers are ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ of year.4.你还想要点什么?我想要两袋奶.(汉译英)What would like ____ breakfast?____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.第二题是some bread划线


1.Lucy's shoes are bigger than Lily's.(同义句)
2.She'd like to eat some bread.(就划线部分提问)
Farmers are ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ of year.
What would like ____ breakfast?____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____.
第二题是some bread划线

1 Lily's shoes are smaller than Lucy's.
2 What would she like to eat?
3 Farmers are busy reaping at this time of year.
4 for
I want two bags of milk.

Lily's shoes are smaller than Lucy's.
What she would like to eat?
Farmers are busy havesting at the time of year.
What would you like for breakfast? I want two packs of milk.

Lily's shoes are smaller than Lucy's
what does she like to eat?
busy havesting at this time
I'd like two bags of milk

应该是:Lily's shoes are smaller than Lucy's
what does she like to eat?
busy havesting at this time
I'd like two bags of milk