了解美国历史哥伦布的.400字左右Michael Berliner,“The Christopher Columbus Controversy,” Los Angeles Times,December 30,1991.A.Why is Berliner hostile to those who are opposed to Columbus Day?B.Why should Columbus be celebrated?C.What argument does Berliner make about celebrating ethnic identity?


Michael Berliner,“The Christopher Columbus Controversy,” Los Angeles Times,December 30,1991.
A.Why is Berliner hostile to those who are opposed to Columbus Day?
B.Why should Columbus be celebrated?
C.What argument does Berliner make about celebrating ethnic identity?

中国指南针的外传,欧洲造船业和航海术的发达,为远洋航行和开辟新航路提供了条件.其中最先取得发展的是葡萄牙人,他们的船队向东航行;其次是西班牙人,他们另辟海途,转而西航.  1486年,航海家哥伦布向西班牙国王提出...