sat 改错1.Despite the attorney’s moving plea,the judge placed the juvenile offender on probation for an (indecisive ) period.2.Chess players find that playing against a computer is helpful (to improve ) their skills,even though no chess-playing computer has yet won a championship.括号内是错了的部分,请问为何,怎么改正


sat 改错
1.Despite the attorney’s moving plea,the judge placed
the juvenile offender on probation for an (indecisive )
2.Chess players find that playing against a computer
is helpful (to improve ) their skills,even though no
chess-playing computer has yet won a championship.

1. 搭配不好.indecisive有2个意思:1)unable to make clear decisions or choices-opposite decisive decisive a weak and indecisive leader 2)not having a clear result-synonym inconclusive inconclusive a...