英语翻译71.科学家们已成功分离出具有单项已知功能的单个而明显的基因.(isolate,function)72.通讯技术的每一个进步都是人类交往的亲密程度的一种倒退.(advance,setback)73.这件事对我很有益,使我从此不再多愁善感.(keep from)74.这些学生错误地以为,若他们讲得不像美国人,就是讲得不好,所以也就不敢讲.(falsely,accordingly,be fearful of)75.使我感到惊奇的是,托玛斯太太的忠告真管事儿.(to my…)76.生活水平的提高是否就意味着我们人类的日子有望越过越幸福呢?(look forward to)77.人类的心灵需要时间来消化、吸收和理解情感和经验.(soul)78.比如何申请基因组专利更难确定的问题是,人们是否应该认为对人类DNA拥有所有权.(determine,lay claim to)79.手机,正是因为它太具移动性的特点,给原本就有喜剧色彩的生活平添了新鲜的一笔.(because of,add)80.他家就要搬到


73.这件事对我很有益,使我从此不再多愁善感.(keep from)
74.这些学生错误地以为,若他们讲得不像美国人,就是讲得不好,所以也就不敢讲.(falsely,accordingly,be fearful of)
75.使我感到惊奇的是,托玛斯太太的忠告真管事儿.(to my…)
76.生活水平的提高是否就意味着我们人类的日子有望越过越幸福呢?(look forward to)
78.比如何申请基因组专利更难确定的问题是,人们是否应该认为对人类DNA拥有所有权.(determine,lay claim to)
79.手机,正是因为它太具移动性的特点,给原本就有喜剧色彩的生活平添了新鲜的一笔.(because of,add)
80.他家就要搬到北方的克利夫兰去了,使他感到极为兴奋.(to his…)

71. Scientists have successfully isolated individual apparent genes with single known function.
72. The advance of communication technology is the setback of intimacy of human relationships.
73. This has benefited me, keeping me away from melancholy.
74. These students falsely perceive that, if they do not speak like Americans, they do not speak well, accordingly, they become fearful of speaking itself.
75. To my surprise, Mrs Thomas' advice is really helpful.
76. Does the improvement of living standard necessarily mean that we can look forward to happier life in the future?
77. It takes time for our soul to digest, absorb, and understand emotions and experience.
78. More difficult to determine than how to apply for patent for gene group is whether we have the legitimacy to own human DNA at all.
79. The cellphone, because of its far too mobile features, adds a fresh array of colours to our already comedic life.
80. To his excitement, his family is going to move north to Cleveland(克利夫兰) soon.