一个英语任务型阅读啊!A man saw a fisherman standing in the lake with a mirror."Excuse me" he said."What are you doing?""Fishing," the fisherman answered."With a mirror?" the man asked."Sure.It's a new invention.I can make money by it."--------------------------------------------------------"OK,but it will cost you $ 10."The man gave the fisherman the money."Now show me how.it works." he said."Well," the fisherman began,"you aim (瞄准) the mirror into the water.an


A man saw a fisherman standing in the lake with a mirror."Excuse me" he said."What are you doing?"
"Fishing," the fisherman answered.
"With a mirror?" the man asked.
"Sure.It's a new invention.I can make money by it."
"OK,but it will cost you $ 10."
The man gave the fisherman the money."Now show me how.it works." he said.
"Well," the fisherman began,"you aim (瞄准) the mirror into the water.and when a fish goes by,you frighten it with the light of the mirror".The fish gets puzzled and then you can catch it."
The man was very surprised."Don't tell me that's how you fish.It's very strange!How many have you caught?"
"You are the fifth today!" said the fisherman with a smile.
1.How the fisherman get that day?______________________
3.写出Ok,but it will cost you $ 10同义句._____________________________________________________

1.问的不清楚 是问怎么抓鱼 还是问怎么骗人
2.pay me 10 bucks then I`ll tell you
别告诉我那就是你抓鱼的办法,这么奇怪的方法 你能抓多少雨
4.Who on earth is the fish