谁能帮我改一下这篇文章的语法和词汇错误啊58,this was my average mark of English in senior high school.105,this was my English mark of university entrance examination.To me,it was a miracle.In my senior high school,my English was very poor.Because of poor,I did not like.I never recited words; I never read any English article; I even never listened English.Sometimes,I would sleep on the English class.I hated English.I hated it.However,even I did not like it; even my English


58,this was my average mark of English in senior high school.105,this was my English mark of university entrance examination.To me,it was a miracle.
In my senior high school,my English was very poor.Because of poor,I did not like.I never recited words; I never read any English article; I even never listened English.Sometimes,I would sleep on the English class.I hated English.I hated it.
However,even I did not like it; even my English was poor.I still had a dream.I dreamed that one day,I could speak fluent English with native speaker; I dreamed that I could understand English news on TV; I dreamed that one day,I could read Jane Austen in English.But it was a dream.It never comes true.
One day,my friend said to me:” I want to work hard,I want to get high mark of English,I want to be a miracle.”
“To be a miracle,can I “I asked myself,“Maybe I can.”
From that day,l learned English in a positive way.l listened English radio; l listened it on the way to home; I listened it when I slept.Except listening,I began to read English article and newspaper.From that day,I was never sleeping on the English class.It was very hard time to me,but I did not say,“I don’t want to learn it.” I did not know that these things could help me to get high mark of English.I just knew that these were good for me.
105,to you maybe It does not a very high mark,but,to me it was a miracle.Today,I still can’t speak fluent English; I still can’t understand English news; I still can’t read Jane Austen.However,I believe that my dream will come true in the future.
This is the biggest challenge I have encountered in my studies.

58, was my average grade of English in senior high school. 105, was my English grade in university entrance examination. To me, it was a miracle. (不用 this, mark 改成grade,of 改成in)
In senior high school(不用my), my English was very poor. Because of this (poor 改成this), I did not like(was not happy). I never recited words; I never read any English article; I even never listened to (加个to) English. Sometimes, I slept (would sleep改成slept) in (on 改成 in) the English class. I hated English. I hated it.
However, even I did not like it; even my English was poor. I still had a dream. I dreamed that one day, I could speak fluent English with native speaker; I dreamed that I could understand English news on TV; I dreamed that one day, I could read Jane Austen in English. But it was a dream. It never comes true.
One day, my friend said to me:” I want to work hard, I want to get high grade in () English, I want to be a miracle.”
“To be a miracle, can I “I asked myself, “Maybe I can.”
From that day, l learned English in a positive way. l listened English radio(l listened it )on the way to home,before sleeping (I listened it when I slept). Except listening, I began to read English article and newspaper. From that day, I was never sleeping in (on改成 in) the English class. It was very hard time to me, but I did not say, “I don’t want to learn it.” I did not know that these things could help me to get high grade of English. I just knew that these were good for me.
105, to you maybe It does not a very high grade, but (不用逗号) to me it was a miracle. Today, I still can’t speak fluent English; I still can’t understand English news; I still can’t read Jane Austen. However, I believe that my dream will come true in the future.
This is the biggest challenge I have encountered in my studies.

58,this was my average mark of English in senior high school. 105, this was my English mark of university entrance examination. To me, it was a miracle.
In my senior high school, my English was very poor. Because of poor, I did not like (增加it,因为like是及物动词). I never recited words; I never read any English article; I even never listened (增加to,listen是不及物动词) English. Sometimes, I would sleep on the English class. I hated English. I hated it.
However, even I did not like it; even my English was poor. I still had a dream. I dreamed that one day, I could speak fluent(改为fluently,并放到English后面去,这里主要说的是说的流利,修饰动词用副词形式) English with(改为as,表示像说英语国家的人一样) native speaker; I dreamed that I could understand English news on TV; I dreamed that one day, I could read Jane Austen in English. But it was a dream. It never comes true.
One day, my friend said to me:” I want to work hard, I want to get high mark of English, I want to be a miracle.”
“To be a miracle, can I “I asked myself, “Maybe I can.”
From that day, l learned English in a positive way. l listened English radio; l listened it on the way to(去掉to,home是副词,前面不跟介词,比如go home,而不是go to home) home; I listened it when I slept. Except(改为Besides,意思是除了听之外) listening, I began to read English article and newspaper. From that day, I was never sleeping on the English class. It was very hard time(可以去掉time,就表示对我来就太难) to me, but I did not say, “I don’t want to learn it.” I did not know that these things(可以去掉things,从语法上没错,但是给人一种中式英文的感觉) could help me to get high mark of English. I just knew that these were good for me.
105, to you maybe It does not a very high mark, but, to me it was a miracle. Today, I still can’t speak fluent(改为fluently,并放到English后面去,这里主要说的是说的流利,修饰动词用副词形式) English; I still can’t understand English news; I still can’t read Jane Austen. However, I believe that my dream will come true in the future.
This is the biggest challenge I have encountered in my studies.

My average mark for English in senior high school was 58. Contrastingly, my English mark for my university entrance examination was 105. To me, it was a miracle
In high school, my English was very poor. Because of this reason, I disliked English. I never recited words, never read any English articles, never even listened to English. Sometimes, I would fall asleep during English class. I hated English. I hated it.
However, although I did not like it and was bad at English, I still had a dream. I dreamt that one day, I would be able to speak English with a native speaker. I dreamt that one day, I would be able to understand the news in English on TV. I dreamt that one day, I would be able to read Jane Austen in English. But it was a dream, a dream that never came true.
One day, my friend said to me. “I want to work hard. I want to get a higher mark in English; I want to make a miracle.”
So I asked myself, “Can I make a miracle too?”
From that day on, I started to look at English in a positive way. I listened to the radio in English on the way home and before I went to bed. In addition to listening to English, I also began to read English newspaper articles. From that day on, I never fell asleep in English class ever again. It was a very hard time for me, but I did not give up. I knew that these things could help me get a better mark in English. I knew that they were good for me.
105. Maybe you do not think that it is a very high mark, but to me, it is truly a miracle. Today, I still can’t speak fluent English. I still can’t fully understand English news. I still can’t read Jane Austen.
But I believe that in the future, my dreams will come true.
This is the biggest challenge that I have encountered in my studies.

58,this was my average mark of (for) English in (the) senior high school. 105, this was my English mark of (for) (the) university entrance examination. To me, it was a miracle.
In my senior high school, my English was very poor. Because of (the) poor (marks/results), I did not like (English). I (had) never recited words; I (had) never read any English article; I (had) even never listened (to)English. Sometimes, I would sleep on (during) the English class. I hated English. I hated it.
However, even (though) I did not like it; even (though) my English was poor. I still had a dream. I dreamed (dreamt) that one day, I could speak fluent English with native speaker; I dreamed that I could understand (the) English news on TV; I dreamed (dreamt) that one day, I could read Jane Austen in English. But it was a dream. It never comes true.
One day, my friend said to me:” I want to work hard, I want to get high mark of (for) English, I want to be a miracle.”
“To be a miracle, can I (?)“ I asked myself, “Maybe I can.”
From that day, l learned English in a positive way. l listened (to) English radio; l listened it on the way to home; I listened it when I slept. Except listening, I began to read English article(s) and newspaper. From that day (on), I was never sleeping (never slept) on (during) the English class. It was (a) very hard time to(for) me, but I did not say, “I don’t want to learn it.” I did not know that these things could help me to get high mark of(in) English. I just knew that these were good for me.
105, to you maybe It does not (wasnot) a very high mark, but, to me it was a miracle. Today, I still can’t speak fluent English; I still can’t understand English news; I still can’t read Jane Austen. However, I believe that my dream will come true in the future.
This is the biggest challenge I have encountered in my studies.

58,this was my average mark of English in senior high school. 105, this was my English mark of university entrance examination. To me, it was a miracle.
Duting my senior highschool years, my English was very poor. Because of that, I did not like English. I never memorized any words; I never read any English articles; I never listened to English CDs. Sometimes, I would sleep during English classes. I hated English. I hated it.
However, even though I did not like it; even though my English was poor, I still had a dream. I dreamed that one day, I could speak fluent English with native speakers; I dreamed that I could understand English news on TV; I dreamed that one day, I could read Jane Austen in English. But it was a dream. It would never come true.
One day, my friend said to me:” I want to work hard, I want to get high marks in English, I want to be a miracle.”
“Can I be a miracle? “I asked myself, “Maybe I can.”
From that day on, l studied English in a positive way. l listened to English radio; l listened to it on the way home; I listened to it when I slept. Besides listening, I began to read English articles and newspapers. From that day on, I never sleeped during English classes. It was very hard for me, but I did not say, “I don’t want to study any more.” I did not know that doing these things could help me get higher marks in English. I just knew that it was good for me.
105, to you maybe it does not seem like a very high mark, but to me it was a miracle. Today, I still can’t speak fluent English; I still can’t understand English news; I still can't read Jane Austen. However, I believe that my dream will come true in the future.
This is the biggest challenge I have encountered in my studies.