PS:请写出为什么1.Surprisingly,Susan ___ all the jokes she had heard at school by the time she got home.A.has forgotten B.had forgotten C.forgot2.To my great surprise,Tom looked quite different ____ I had which that C.from what D.for which3.Your 12-year-old brother ____ think your visit to the Fine Arts Museum was funny.-But I was not interested in it at all.A.does B.did C.has to D.had to


1.Surprisingly,Susan ___ all the jokes she had heard at school by the time she got home.
A.has forgotten B.had forgotten C.forgot
2.To my great surprise,Tom looked quite different ____ I had expected. which that C.from what D.for which
3.Your 12-year-old brother ____ think your visit to the Fine Arts Museum was funny.
-But I was not interested in it at all.
A.does B.did C.has to D.had to

B she had heard是从句,与主句时态一样,过去完成时
C 词组 be different from
D think为原形A,B排除, was是一般过去时,用had

第一题 选C 此题目为考察时态的语法题 注意这里有个had heard , 这个动作发生在忘记的前面, 这个动作和got home 几乎同时发生 这里要注意的是动作的先后 所以选择的是C
第二题 选C 这里考察的是 固定搭配 是 be different from , 为什么这里要用what 而是which , 这里的what做的是expected的宾语 翻译成 那种样子 用which的话前面要用the person, 但是用了the person又不能用which 所以选择的是C
第三题 选B 这里考察的是强调词 强调某个动词我们一般用助动词 这里考察的是对于过去的动作 故用did

第一题选B。解释:Susan 在回家的时候就已经忘记了她听到的笑话,证明忘记这个动作发生在他回家之前,“回家”这个动词用的是一般过去时,那么“忘记”这个动词则应该用过去完成时。
第三题B 下面解释的很正确,就是强调的作用。

C 描述过去的事情,而过去的过去(后面had heard )用了过去完成时
C look different from 固定用法
B 从回答看出描述的是过去的事情

B by the time就是前文出现完成时标志,而by the time 后面根的过去时,所以选过去完成时
2.C different from 是搭配
3.B did表示强调,过去时的原因是作者用的was not.