英语翻译Terms of paymentThe most generally used method of payment in the financing of international trade is the letter of credit (abbreviated to L/C) ,which is a reliable and safe method of payment,facilitating trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers.The process of issuing a letter of credit starts with the buyer.He instructs his bank to issue an L/C in favor of the seller for the amount of the purchase.The buyer’s bank


Terms of payment
The most generally used method of payment in the financing of international trade is the letter of credit (abbreviated to L/C) ,which is a reliable and safe method of payment,facilitating trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers.The process of issuing a letter of credit starts with the buyer.He instructs his bank to issue an L/C in favor of the seller for the amount of the purchase.The buyer’s bank (the opening bank) then sends to its correspondent bank in the seller’s county,the L/C,giving instructions about the amount of the credit ,the beneficiary,the currency,the currency,the documents required and other special instructions.On arrival.the correspondent bank advises the seller of the receipt of the credit.Sometimes a seller requires a confirmed L/C.In this case ,the correspondent bank usually adds its confirmation and advises the seller of the same; the seller will then dispatch the goods accordingly.
Asking for amendment to the L/C
Dear Mr Gray,
Your letter of credit no.2233 issued by the Bank Barclays has arrived.
On examination,we find that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed.
As direct sailings to Liverpool are infrequent,we have to ship via London more often than not .As a result,transshipment may be necessary.With regard to partial shipment,it would speed matters up if we could ship immediately
the goods we have in stock instead of waiting for the whole shipment to be completed.
With this in mind ,we faxed you today,asking for the letter of credit to be amended to read:”part shipment and transshipment allowed”
We trust this amendment will meet with your approval and you will fax us to that effect without delay.
we note from your letter June 17 thatthe price quoted by us for the subject material is found to be on the high side.
We apprecite your cooperation in giving us the imformation about the Indian supply in your market.However,we regrer that we are unable to reduce our priceto the level you required.We have to point out that obviously out of line with the price ruling in the present market.as other buyersin your neighbouring countries are buying freely at our quoted price.Moreover,the market is firm with an upward tendency,and there is very little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.
In view of the above,we would suggest in your interest that you take full advantage of the market。还有这一段。

亲爱的Mr. Gray,
我已收到the Bank Barclays银行开来的编号为2233的信用证,在审核的过程中,我们发现“不允许转船和分批装运”。因为直航到利物浦的船很少,所以我们需要先转运到伦敦,因此,需要允许转船。


一楼的是用翻译器滴.“这个过程的发放信用的一封信从买方”“ 你们的信用证出具的no.2233巴克莱银行已经到了.”“它将速度问题上我们是否可以立即发货”从这3句就可以看出来.支付条件国际贸易融资业务中最普遍使用的...