1.他本不该在哄骗人们后逃掉的.(ought not to have,get away with)________________________________________________________________2.天天吃一种食品让人厌倦吗?为什么不到这里来换个口味呢?(tired of,why not)________________________________________________________________3.要保持健康,必须在饮食上减少脂肪和增加纤维.(keep fit,cut down)________________________________________________________________


1.他本不该在哄骗人们后逃掉的.(ought not to have,get away with)
2.天天吃一种食品让人厌倦吗?为什么不到这里来换个口味呢?(tired of,why not)
3.要保持健康,必须在饮食上减少脂肪和增加纤维.(keep fit,cut down)

1.He ought not to have gotten away with telling people lies.
2.Tired of eating the same thing every day? Why not come and eat here?
3. If you want to keep fit, you should cut down on fat and increase fibers.

1.He ought not to have got away with it after he lied to so many people.2.Are you tired of eating the same food every day?What not come here and have a change 3.In order to keep fit,fat in the diet mu...