英语翻译1、他试图冲出人群.(push his way out )2、夜深了,我禁不住想念我的父母.(can't help )3、当我们沿着河边走的时候,人群变得越来越大.(become larger and larger)4、事故发生后,警察从四面八方赶来了.(in all directions )


1、他试图冲出人群.(push his way out )
2、夜深了,我禁不住想念我的父母.(can't help )
3、当我们沿着河边走的时候,人群变得越来越大.(become larger and larger)
4、事故发生后,警察从四面八方赶来了.(in all directions )

1、he tries to push his way out.
2、it's midnight now,i can't help myself to miss my parents.
3、while we were walking by the river,the crowd became larger and larger.
4、when the accident happend,the police came here in all directions.

1.He tries to push his way out.2.It's late,I can't help miss my parents.3.When we walk along the river,crowd become larger and larger.4.After the accident happened,policemen came in all directions.