How was the play?Well,I was p___ to see it,but threes hours is a a_____ time to stay still.Was it in English?Yes,it was a____by the Beijing Enlish Theatre Company.What was the best bit?The fight between the two f______ and their servants!And the actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet s_______ wonderfully!But it's sad at the end,because Juliet loves Romeo,but her father has d_____ she must marry someone else.So they both decide to kill themsel


How was the play?Well,I was p___ to see it,but threes hours is a a_____ time to stay still.Was it in English?Yes,it was a____by the Beijing Enlish Theatre Company.What was the best bit?The fight between the two f______ and their servants!And the actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet s_______ wonderfully!But it's sad at the end,because Juliet loves Romeo,but her father has d_____ she must marry someone else.So they both decide to kill themselves."A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." OK,I'm impressed.Can you recite an m______ lines?No,that's all Ican remember.Did you have a g____ seat?Well,it was hard to see the p______ at the back.The best place to sit is in the front row.Could you hear thedialogue?I guessed what they were but their voices weren't very loud.Daming and Lingling found their acents really difficult to understand.The best way is to read the play before you see it.