一句英语句子帮我解析下He said it is important to find ways tofeed people without destroying forests,rivers and seas that provide food.搞不懂后面加那个that provide food是怎么回事?这句要怎么理解呀


He said it is important to find ways tofeed people without destroying forests,rivers and seas that provide food.搞不懂后面加那个that provide food是怎么回事?这句要怎么理解呀

He said it is important to find ways to feed people without destroying (forests, rivers and seas that provide food). that是定语,指生产食物的森林、河流和海洋

that+后边provide food 修饰前边forests, rivers and seas 意思 提供食物的森林 河流和海洋!

他说,找到不破坏提供食物的森林、河流和海洋而养活人们的方法很重要.that provide food 是修饰forests,rivers and seas 的定语,指明这些森林,河流和海洋可以提供食物,我们不破坏这些自然环境而能养活人口.

可以把that provide food理解成目的状语从句,来修饰destroying forests, rivers and seas