英语阅读理解 Many years ago,Mr.Johnson,an English man,was living in a hotel in Germany.He usually had lunch in a small restaurant.Every time he came to the table,there was always a German sitting there.And this man always stood up and said,“Mahizeit.” The Englishman answered,“Johnson.” One day Mr.Johnson was talking to an English friend Nick,“ The Germans have some strange traditions ,” he said.“ Every time I came to the restaurant for lunch,a German stood


Many years ago,Mr.Johnson,an English man,was living in a hotel in Germany.He usually had lunch in a small restaurant.Every time he came to the table,there was always a German sitting there.And this man always stood up and said,“Mahizeit.” The Englishman answered,“Johnson.” One day Mr.Johnson was talking to an English friend Nick,“ The Germans have some strange traditions ,” he said.“ Every time I came to the restaurant for lunch,a German stood up and told me his name.”
“That was strange to me,too.” the friend said.“What did the man say?” “He told me his name—Mahizeit,” Mr.Johnson answered.
His friend laughed,“Mahizeit isn‟t his name.It is the German word for „good appetite‟.He wanted you to have a good appetite for your lunch,” he said.
The next day,when Mr.Johnson came into the restaurant,he smiled to the German and said,“Mahizeit.” The German stood up and answered,“Johnson.”
The German thought that "jhonson" meant( )
A the Englishman's name
B "Mahizeit" in English
C "good appetite" in English
D "hello" in English