问几道超简单的英语问题1.____with the life of the old,we are happy fnough.A.Compare B.Comparison C.Compared D.Comparing2.We all conseder the boy____A.be clever B.being clever C.to be clever D.Cleverly 3.Do be calm,don't excited.这句话有语病吗?4.compare的相关短语?


1.____with the life of the old,we are happy fnough.
A.Compare B.Comparison C.Compared D.Comparing
2.We all conseder the boy____
A.be clever B.being clever C.to be clever D.Cleverly
3.Do be calm,don't excited.这句话有语病吗?

第一题 C 这道题只要弄清we和compare之间的关系就可以了.这句话是说拿我们的生活去和他们的相比,所以应用过去分词.
第二题 C consider sb/sth (to be) + adj 这是它的一个基本用法,记住就好.
第三题 有语病 do be calm 正确 don't excited 错误 应改成:don't be excited.
第四题 compare to 把...比作...compare with 把...和...做比较