打电话用英语 开头几句怎么讲比如说 是***么?请找一下***我要给你发个传真请给个信号还有什么寒暄了.常用的话都告诉我几句.建议有经验的朋友多说点.要是叫不准的话就别发帖子了.


打电话用英语 开头几句怎么讲

Could I speak to ***? This is ***.

hello this is ==speaking ,can I speake to == please?
may i leave a message ?
may i take a message?
who i am speaking?


area code 区域号码
coin call 投币电话
conference call 会议电话
credit card call 信用卡电话
crossed lines 电话干扰
direct dial call 直拨电话
domestic call 国内电话
exchange number 交换台号码
emergency call 急救电话
person-to-person call 叫人电话
public telephone 公用电话
long distance call 长途电话
local call 市内电话
mouth piece 传话机 intercom system 对讲机系统
overseas call 国际电话
party line 同线电话
radio telephone 无线电话
telephone book 电话本
telephone booth 电话亭
telephone number 电话号码
telephone office电信局
service meter 通话次数表
station-to-station call 叫号电话
switchboard 电话总机
wireless transceiver 无线电对讲机

Hello. Is that **?
Can I speak to **?
I want to send a fax to you. Please give me the signal.

Hello,Could I please speak to xxx please?wait for a secthank youorsorry but xxx is not in at the moment..want to leave a message?no that's fine..i'll call back laterthanks

喂! hello
请找一下*** may i talk to (speak to )xxx?
我要给你发个传真请给个信号 i need to fax you some documents, will you give me a feedback once it's done.
Is xxx there?
Who am i speaking to?
Is xx available?
xxx is not here. May i take a message?

是。。么?is that ..
请找一下may I speak to/is ...in
我要给你发传真请给信号I want to fax you so mey I have your number please?