英语翻译A Mr.King has a car.In the morning he takes his children to school in his car.The he drives to work.Mr.King and his children do not have lunch at home but Mrs.King does.She doesn’t go to work.She stays at home,does some shopping and soes some cleaning in the morning.In the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends,has tea and talks a lot with his children.The children do not come back in their fathe's car.They take a bus home.The usual


Mr.King has a car.In the morning he takes his children to school in his car.The he drives to work.Mr.King and his children do not have lunch at home but Mrs.King does.She doesn’t go to work.She stays at home,does some shopping and soes some cleaning in the morning.In the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends,has tea and talks a lot with his children.The children do not come back in their fathe's car.They take a bus home.The usually come back home before five.

金先生有一辆车. 一天早上他用他的车送孩子们去上学, 然后他开车去上班. 金先生和他的孩子不在家里吃午饭, 但是金太太在家吃午饭. 她不工作, 她呆在家里, 早上购购物或者一些卫生工作. 下午的时候她经常去见她的一些朋友喝喝茶, 和孩子们说说话. 孩子们不做父亲的车回家, 通常做公交车, 在下午5点之前回家
