英语翻译●I'm done up.●★走不动了★我太累了.★我累极了.★I'm so tired,] I can't walk another step.★I'm all in.以上5个带★的句子与●I'm done up.●表示同一意思吗?----------------------------I can't walk any farther,I'm done up.一步都走不动了太累了.--------------------------------●以下是某人的说明.请翻译一下.I wonder whether "I'm done up" is a British expression.In American English,if someone is "done up",it means that they are clean,coifed,and stylishly dressed.It connotes a large amount of effort that was expende


●I'm done up.●
★I'm so tired,] I can't walk another step.
★I'm all in.
以上5个带★的句子与●I'm done up.●表示同一意思吗?
I can't walk any farther,I'm done up.一步都走不动了太累了.
I wonder whether "I'm done up" is a British expression.
In American English,if someone is "done up",
it means that they are clean,coifed,and stylishly dressed.
It connotes a large amount of effort that was expended
to appear that way.

●I'm done up.●
★I'm so tired,] I can't walk another step.
★I'm all in.
以上5个带★的句子与●I'm done up.●表示同一意思吗?
I can't walk any farther, I'm done up. 一步都走不动了太累了
I wonder whether "I'm done up" is a British expression.
In American English, if someone is "done up",
it means that they are clean, coifed, and stylishly dressed.
It connotes a large amount of effort that was expended
to appear that way.


done up是累的意思,所以都一样
我在想‘i'm done up'是不是英国人的说法
在美国的英语,如果一个人 ‘done up',代表他很干净,带着压发毛,穿得很时髦.它意味着花费了很多力气,为了就是要让自己有那种打扮

我在想“I'm done up”可能是英式表达。
美式英语中,如果说某个人done up",是指穿戴考究。费尽心思打扮出来的结果。