1.Do you know____this dictionary belongs to?Let me see.Oh,it's____.A who,mine B who,me C whose,mine D whose,me2.Since June 1st last year,all the supermarkets have___free plastic bags.A to stop to provide B to stop proviting Cstopped to provide D stopped providing3.Are there____many nurses to take care of_____little children?A so,so B such,so C so,such D such,such4.We often watch our English teacher,Miss Li,____beautiful pictures on the blackboard.A to


1.Do you know____this dictionary belongs to?
Let me see.Oh,it's____.
A who,mine B who,me C whose,mine D whose,me
2.Since June 1st last year,all the supermarkets have___free plastic bags.
A to stop to provide B to stop proviting Cstopped to provide D stopped providing
3.Are there____many nurses to take care of_____little children?
A so,so B such,so C so,such D such,such
4.We often watch our English teacher,Miss Li,____beautiful pictures on the blackboard.
A to draw B draws C drawing D draw
5.People can____running everywhere.Do you know what_____?
A see,happened B see,happens C be seen,is happened D be seen,is happening
6.---Jack,I haven't seen your brother for a long time.
---He____Shanghai on business for two months.
A went to B has gone to C has been in D has been to
7--What_____(worry)the old man very often?
--I've no idea.

1 A 意思是:你知道这本字典是谁的吗? 噢,我看看,是我的
是我的用 it's mine,因此在AC之间选,虽然whose是谁的的意思,但是在这里who sth. belong to才是对的,或者用whose sth. 不要用belong to
2.D 意思是,去年的六一开始,所有的超市停止使用免费的塑料袋。句子里面有have 说明使用完成时,后面跟stopped CD中,stop doing sth. 固定搭配,所以用D
3.C 意思是:有没有这么多的护士去照顾这些孩子
这么多护士,so many nurses 这些孩子 such little children
4.C see sb. doing sth 固定搭配
5.D 意思:可以看到人们到处跑,发生什么事了? 人们”被看到“到处跑应用被动语态, Be seen 发生什么则是what happened 或者是what is happening 因此选D
6.B 他因公差去了上了上海两个月了 has gone to 去了某地 has been to 去过某地
7. worries 什么使这个老人经常忧心忡忡? 这里的形容词worry担心的 使动用法 使什么担心

ADCCD D worries



1 A 意思是:你知道这本字典是谁的吗?噢,我看看,是我的
是我的用 it's mine,因此在AC之间选,虽然whose是谁的的意思,但是在这里who sth.belong to才是对的,或者用whose sth.不要用belong to
2.D 意思是,去年的六一开始,所有的超市停止使用免费的塑料袋.句子里面有have 说明使用完成时,后面跟stopped CD中,stop doing sth.固定搭配,所以用D
3.C 意思是:有没有这么多的护士去照顾这些孩子
这么多护士,so many nurses 这些孩子 such little children
4.C see sb.doing sth 固定搭配
5.D 意思:可以看到人们到处跑,发生什么事了?人们”被看到“到处跑应用被动语态,Be seen 发生什么则是what happened 或者是what is happening 因此选D
6.B 他因公差去了上了上海两个月了 has gone to 去了某地 has been to 去过某地
7.worries 什么使这个老人经常忧心忡忡?这里的形容词worry担心的 使动用法 使什么担心
我也是初二的,希望可以帮到你,如果讲得不够详细,可以留言给我 :-)

C so,such

ADCCDB worries