、Of all the planets in our own solar system,we are now pretty certain the Earth is the onlyOf alltheplanetsinourown solar system,we arenowprettycertaintheEarthisthe onlyoneonwhichlifecansurvive.这句话里面的ON 怎么单独放在那里 放在WHICH前面啊 我该怎么理解这个ON啊?这位置我搞不懂怎么翻译


、Of all the planets in our own solar system,we are now pretty certain the Earth is the only
Of alltheplanetsinourown solar system,we arenowprettycertaintheEarthisthe onlyoneonwhichlifecansurvive.这句话里面的ON 怎么单独放在那里 放在WHICH前面啊 我该怎么理解这个ON啊?这位置我搞不懂怎么翻译

定语从句中介词+关系代词=关系副词 on which=where