我要一片英语作文 要求如下 Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal我决定写我爸 要写250字以上 要写关于我爸的 然后还有几个内容要写进去 .这是我给的例子 要写到作文里:your father has taught you :Don't pollute.Keep your environment cleanhelp people who need help such as the elderlyyour father has taught you good values.Talk about what those values are


我要一片英语作文 要求如下 Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal
我决定写我爸 要写250字以上 要写关于我爸的 然后还有几个内容要写进去 .
这是我给的例子 要写到作文里:your father has taught you :Don't pollute.Keep your environment clean
help people who need help such as the elderly
your father has taught you good values.Talk about what those values are

Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal. 终于,我终于在考试中取得了骄人的成绩。 那一刻,我体验了挑战自我的辛酸

Among many people i admire my father most.Because my father taught me a lot of good qaualities.He taught me to be friendly and prepare to hlep people who need helps especially the elderly.And from thi...