求以下美国俚语的汉语解释,请问俚语1,Blow off some stream 2 Blowing smoke 3.Botched up.4.Dressed to a tea 5.Get a leg up 6.Hold your feet to the fire 7.Put English on it 8.Worth its salt 9.The writing is on the 还有Back handed compliments


请问俚语1,Blow off some stream 2 Blowing smoke 3.Botched up.4.Dressed to a tea 5.Get a leg up 6.Hold your feet to the fire 7.Put English on it 8.Worth its salt 9.The writing is on the
还有Back handed compliments


1,Blow off some stream 打字错误 因为:Blow off steam 发泄强烈的感情或发脾气;花掉多余的精力 2 Blowing smoke 烟雾弥漫3.Botched up.搞糟4.Dressed to a tea 打扮好去喝茶5.Get a leg up 帮我一把6.Hold your f...