英语翻译摘 要:农村现代化是一个全面的、全方位的进步过程,只有农村的政治、经济、文化以及农民意识等都实现了现代化,才能说整个农村实现了现代化.但由于城乡二元*等多种因素的影响,我国农村现代化步伐相对滞后,为此,必须采取有效的措施和途径,大力推进我国农村现代化建设.关键词:农村社会现代化;涵义;困境;出路


摘 要:农村现代化是一个全面的、全方位的进步过程,只有农村的政治、经济、文化以及农民意识等都实现了现代化,才能说整个农村实现了现代化.但由于城乡二元*等多种因素的影响,我国农村现代化步伐相对滞后,为此,必须采取有效的措施和途径,大力推进我国农村现代化建设.

The modernization of countryside is an all-round progression. Only when local politics, economics, cultures and the conscious of farmers have all been realized in the waves of modernization, can we say the countryside have accomplished the process. However, influnced by urban-rural binary system and other factors, Chinese countrysides still remain in a backward state. As a result, we have to take effective means and measures to push the construction of Chinese counstryside modernization.

Abstract: rural modernization is a progress in process which is comprehensive and involved in all aspects. (或者直接译为 rural modernization is a comprehensive progress in process). Only when all rural politics, economy, culture and consciousness of farmers etc. achieve modernization, could we admit that the whole rural area has achieved modernization. However, because of urban-rural dualism structure and other factors, the development of rural modernization in our country comparatively lag behind others. For this, we must adopt/take effective measures and approaches to vigorously promote the rural modernization construction in our country.

Key words: rural modernization; implication; difficulties; solutions

Abstract:The modernization of rural areas is a comprehensive and all-around process of improvement.Only when the modernization of politics,economy,culture and peasant mentality was realized in all,can...