一道经济学的题目Imagine a society where only two individuals live.Joe has $124 and Mary has only $1.They both (surprisingly enough) enjoy having money.Is this allocation of money e¢ cient?If not,how could money be reallocated to achieve an e¢ cient allocation in this society?


Imagine a society where only two individuals live.Joe has $124 and Mary has only $1.They both (surprisingly enough) enjoy having money.Is this allocation of money e¢ cient?If not,how could money be reallocated to achieve an e¢ cient allocation in this society?

想象一下,一个社会,只有两个人的活.Joe有124元和玛丽只有1美元.他们都()摄制的喜欢让money.Is这笔钱的分配瑉cient?如果没有,怎么可能钱重新分配,以实现在这个社会中的电子¢ cient分配?