句型变换要快点啊 求求你们了 一般问句和否定句1.Kim likes reading books and newspapers.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 2.We have got a lot of cards.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 3.Jenny has a borther and a sister.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 4.Kim has a temperature today.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 5.They always have fun together.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 6.I had a hat like yours a year ago.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 7.My glass was clean and dry.(变成一般疑问句和否定句)对不起各位我1分都没有了


句型变换要快点啊 求求你们了 一般问句和否定句
1.Kim likes reading books and newspapers.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 2.We have got a lot of cards.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 3.Jenny has a borther and a sister.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 4.Kim has a temperature today.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 5.They always have fun together.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 6.I had a hat like yours a year ago.(变成一般疑问句和否定句) 7.My glass was clean and dry.(变成一般疑问句和否定句)

1 Does Kim like reading books and newspapers? No, he doesn't. 2. Do you have a lot of cards? No, we haven't. 3. Does Jenny have a brother and a sister? No, she hasn't. 4. Does Kim have a temperature today? No, he hasn't. 5. Do they always have fun together? No, they don't. 6. Did you have a hat like mine a year ago? No, I hadn't. 7. Was your glass clean and dry? No,it wasn't.

1.否定句Kim does't like reading books and newspapers.
一般疑问 Does Kim like reading books and newspapers.

1.加上助动词就好:Does kim like reading books and newspapers?Kim doesn't like reading books and newspapers.
2.把疑问词提前:Have we got a lot of cards?
we haven't got a lot of cards.(注:此句时态为现在完成时)
3.加助动词:does jenny have ...
jenny doesn't have ...
4.还是加助动词:does Kim have...
Kim doesn't have...
5.加助动词:Do they always have ...
They don't always have ...(注:此句为一般现在时)
6.加助动词,此句为一般过去时:did i have ...
i didn't have...
Was my glass clean or dry?
My glass wasn't clean or dry.