英语翻译在李明的帮助下,我们终于想出了解决问题的办法.(come up with )这个箱子太占地方.(take up)他总是抱怨他的运气不好.(complain)我觉得听音乐非常放松.(find…+adj) 当我读书时,我忍受不了那么大的噪音.(stand) 世界上大多数大城市都交通堵塞为患.(suffer)由于长时间的等待,孩子们都变得很烦躁.(as a result of)玛丽此刻很忙,不要去打扰他.(at the moment)汤姆除了喜欢绘画,还热爱摄影.(as well as)


在李明的帮助下,我们终于想出了解决问题的办法.(come up with )
这个箱子太占地方.(take up)
由于长时间的等待,孩子们都变得很烦躁.(as a result of)
玛丽此刻很忙,不要去打扰他.(at the moment)
汤姆除了喜欢绘画,还热爱摄影.(as well as)

We finally come up with the solution to the problem with the help of liming.
The case takes up too much room.
He is always complainning about the bad luck.
I find it relaxed to listen to the music.
I can not stand such big noise while reading the books.
Most of the cities in the world suffers from traffic jams.
As a resulet of long time's waiting,the kids become annoyed
Marry is busy at the moment,don't bother her.如果我理解不错,玛丽应是女的。
As well as drawing, Tom likes picture-taking.

We finally come up with the solution to the problem with the help of liming.The case takes up too much room.He is always complainning about the bad luck.I find it relaxed to listen to the music.I can ...