英语翻译1,能够赢得假期并认识这么多新朋友,我感到非常幸运(Feel lucky to)2,你为什么想买这辆车呢?它既不便宜又不实用(neither nor)3,尽管对薪水不满意,他还是继续为这家公司工作(continue to)4,很难想象如果没有电和干净的水,我们的生活会是什么样子(hard to imagine)5,我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包不见了(find)6,中国正在北方植树,防止风把沙尘吹到农田上(prewent from)


1,能够赢得假期并认识这么多新朋友,我感到非常幸运(Feel lucky to)2,你为什么想买这辆车呢?它既不便宜又不实用(neither nor)3,尽管对薪水不满意,他还是继续为这家公司工作(continue to)4,很难想象如果没有电和干净的水,我们的生活会是什么样子(hard to imagine)5,我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包不见了(find)6,中国正在北方植树,防止风把沙尘吹到农田上(prewent from)

To win the holiday and know so many new friends, I feel very lucky, why do you want to buy this car? It is neither cheap and is not practical, although the salary is not satisfied, he still continue to work for the company, it is hard to imagine if there were no electricity and clean water, our life is what appearance, I come up and down from the bus, found that the purse, China is the north plant trees, prevent the wind blowing dust to farmland

1.To have won the holiday and meet so many new friends, I feel very lucky.
2.Why do you want to buy this car? It is neither cheap nor practical.
3.Although the salary is not satisfied, he continued to work for this company.
4.It is hard to imagine if there is no electricity and clean water, what our life will be like.
5.I got down from the bus, found my wallet missing.
6.China is north forest, prevent the dust from blowing into the wind farm.

1.I feel lucky to get to know so many new friends over the break.2.Why would you buy this car,it's neither cheap nor practical.3.Even though,unsatisfied about the salary,he continues to work for the c...

1, to win the holiday and know so many new friends, I Feel very lucky (Feel luckyto) 2, why do you want to buy this car? It is neither cheap and not practical (neither nor) 3, although the salary is not satisfied, he still continue to work for the company (continue to) 4, it's hard to imagine if there were no electricity and clean water, our what life would be like (hard to imagine) 5, I from the bus and come, found that purse (find) 6, China is the north plant trees, prevent the wind blowing dust to farmland (prewent from)