英语完形填空题,I have a big plan for my future.I'm going to _1_somewhere interesting.I want to go to Paris very much.There are lots of art exhibitions there.I want to be an _2_.First,I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and_3_some money.Then I'm going to study _4_at the same time.Next,I'm going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be _5_ and buy a big house for my parents.I also want to travel all over the world.1A work B fly C hide D mov


I have a big plan for my future.I'm going to _1_somewhere interesting.I want to go to Paris very much.There are lots of art exhibitions there.I want to be an _2_.
First,I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and_3_some money.Then I'm going to study _4_at the same time.Next,I'm going to hold art exhibitions because I want to be _5_ and buy a big house for my parents.I also want to travel all over the world.
1A work B fly C hide D move
2A artist B inventor C engineer D actor
3A borrow B spend C save D change
4A English B French C German D Chinese
5A lonely B kind C healthy D rich
There was ____ ____in yesterday's newspaper.

d b c b d
nothing interesting

1.A work
2.A artist
3.C save
4.B French
5.D rich