写一篇初中英语作文要记叙文,写一次自己的演讲经历,要有一些衔接词,用现在完成时 60词左右


要记叙文,写一次自己的演讲经历,要有一些衔接词,用现在完成时 60词左右

Recently, I have taken part in a speech competiton which is very exciting and impressive.
In order to prepare for this speech competion, I have gone to library for some information.
After all the preparation, yesterday, I stood on the stage and give my speech to all the teachers and students. All my techers and friends thougt highly of my speech, they told me that I had really done a great job!

As to take part in the speech competition,I prepared much for a month.Firstly,I asked my English teacher about her advice to my topic.Then,I searched the Internet for the material.Also,I asked for hel...