


病人:Hi, doctor, I don't feel very well.
Y: What's wrong with you?
B: I guess I probably had an upset stomach, my stomach has been ached for half of the day, I can't bear it anymore.
Y: OK, I'll see what exactly is wrong.(long pause). I got it, you must have eaten something cold, right?
B: Oh, yes, I had a lot of ice-cream yesterday night, and it started to pain this morning.
Y:See, that's the problem, you really shouldn't have eaten that mucn cold things, especially in such a cold day.
B: I wish I didn't.
Y: I'll give you some antibiotics, remember to have them on time, that can help release your pain. Don't have cold things in winter, and you should be careful even in summer days, you can't always rely on medical treatments.
B: I sure will remember it, thank you so much for your warning, I really appreciate it.
Y: You are welcome.

患失眠症 护士:早上好!Nurse:Good morning.病人:Patient:Good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?Nurse:What seems to be the problem?病人:失眠.Patient:I’m suffering from insomnia..护士:这种情况出现有多久了?Nurse:How long have you had the problem?病人:三个月了.Patient:Three months.护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?Nurse:Well,have you ever been here before?病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市.Patient:As a matter of fact,I have just moved to this city.护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表.比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等.Nurse:O.K.In that case,you have to fill in this registration card.Your age,gender,address and things like that.病人:每问题.请问我应该挂哪科?Patient:No problem.Which department should I register with,madam?护士:您最好挂内科.Nurse:You’d better go to the medical department.病人:表填好,给你.Patient:Here is my registration card.护士:挂号费是一美圆.Nurse:Thank you.The registration fee is one dollar.,病人:好的.请问我该怎么走?Patient:Fine.But can you tell me how to get to the medical department,please?护士:坐电梯到三楼,左拐.沿着走道走.您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边.Nurse:Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn.Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.病人:多谢了.Patient:Thanks a lot.护士:不客气.Nurse:You’re welcome.病人:早上好,大夫 Patient:Good morning,doctor.医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor:good morning.What seems to be the trouble?病人:最近有点失眠.
共三人(医生、护士、病人) Dialogue Four Suffering from insomnia
Patient:I’m suffering from insomnia.医生:这种情况有多久了?Doctor:How long have you had this problem?病人:三个月了.Doctor:Three months.医生:服用过什么药吗?Doctor:Have you take any medicine?病人:试过安眠药,但是对我一点儿都不起作用.Patient:I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me.医生:有头痛的情况吗?Doctor:Do you have headaches?病人:有时候有.吃饭也没有胃口,总是感紧不安.Patient:Sometimes.I have no appetite and always on the edge.医生:让我量量你的血压.你看来贫血.Doctor:Let me take your blood pressure.You look anemic.(Taking the patient’s blood pressure.) 医生:嗯,没什么好担心的.你只不过是有点劳累过度.Doctor:Well,there is nothing to be alarmed about.You are just a little exhausted from overwork.病人:我该怎么呢?Patient:What should I do then?医生:我想你应该多休息休息.多到户外活动.不要过度劳累.Doctor:I think you need more rest.Try to get outdoors more.Don’t strain yourself too much.病人:大夫.我会照你说的去做.Patient:Thank you.Doctor.I’ll do as you say.医生:拿着,这是给你开的处方.我相信这药会治好你的失眠症的.Doctor:Here is the prescription for you.I’m sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.病人:多谢了.再见!Patient:Thanks a lot.Bye-bye!医生:再见!Doctor:Bye!