英语句型分析,这个句子结构如何划分As he felt the smooth,curving sharpness of the metal tips,the girl stood quite still,gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder还有expression of wonder怎么翻译


As he felt the smooth,curving sharpness of the metal tips,the girl stood quite still,gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder
还有expression of wonder怎么翻译

expression of wonder:好奇/纳闷/想知道某事 的表情。
As he felt the smooth, curving sharpness of the metal tips, 是时间状语从句
the girl stood quite still, gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder:主句
he 主语
felt 谓语
the smooth, curving sharpness of the metal tips, 宾语
the girl 主语
stood 谓语
quite still, 主语补语
gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder 现在分词短语做(伴随)状语

expression of wonder惊讶的表情
as “当……时候”,引到时间状语从句;主句是the girl stood quite still,gazing up into his face with an expression of wonder.主句中gazing up into 表示伴随状态.