阅读理解Tim works for a company in Sacramento,California.He enjoys his work a lot.He gets up atsix o’clock each workday.He drives to work and begins his job at eight o’clock.He speaks to people on the phone to help them with their banking problems.People telephone the bank to ask questions about their accounts.He doesn’t give information about accounts until people answer a few questions.Tim asks callers their birth date,the last four number of their soci


阅读理解Tim works for a company in Sacramento,California.He enjoys his work a lot.He gets up at
six o’clock each workday.He drives to work and begins his job at eight o’clock.He speaks to people on the phone to help them with their banking problems.People telephone the bank to ask questions about their accounts.He doesn’t give information about accounts until people answer a few questions.Tim asks callers their birth date,the last four number of their society security number and their address.If a person gives incorrect information,Tim asks him to call back with the correct information.Tim is polite and friendly with everyone.He has lunch in a park near his office.He returns home at five o’clock in the afternoon.After work,he goes to the gym to do some sports.He is good at playing tennis.He has dinner at seven o’clock.Tim likes watching TV after dinner.He goes to bed at eleven o’clock at night.
1.Tim helps people by___.
A.helping them with their banking problems
B.phoning them to ask them questions
C.orrecting their information
D.giving them information about accounts
2.Tim wants to keep down callers’ ___ first.
A.accounts’numbers B.date of birth
C.work place D.Social security address
3.It seems Tim is always ___ with his work on weekdays.
A.free B.friendly C.busy D.social
4.Tim’s work lasts ___ a day.
A.nine hours B.eight hoursC.seven hoursD.six hours
5.Tim enjoys watching TV,but he doesn’t watch it ___.
A.after dinner B.before goint to bed C.at night D.for long
