英语翻译摘 要随着汽车工业的飞速发展,中国的汽车维修业也得到了快速的发展.截止到2006年底,全国共有汽车维修业户26.07万家,一类汽车维修企业0.97万多家,二类汽车维修企业5.1万多家,三类汽车维修业户近20万户.随着入世后国外汽车维修企业的逐步进入,汽修市场的主体将更趋向多元化合国际化,必会加大我国汽车工业和汽车服务行业的调整和改革力度,加快与国际接轨的步伐,使其尽快融入世界汽车市场的大格局中区,并走上健康的发展之路,这应该是我国汽车维修市场的总体趋势关键词:汽车 维修 趋势
摘 要
关键词:汽车 维修 趋势
national total vehicle maintenance base 26.07 thousand, class of vehicle maintenance 0.92 million home, business enterprise 5.1 million category vehicle maintenance, three car maintenance is home to more than 20 million households business. After enters the foreign auto maintenance enterprise gradually, automobile market main body into tend to be more diversified and internationalization to will increase in China's automobile industry and automobile service industry's adjustment and reform, accelerate the pace with international standards, make its integration into the world automobile market as soon as possible, the great pattern of the central health and onto the road of development, this should is China's automobile maintenance market trends
Keywords: automobile maintenance trend