a man lonked at photo and said,"that person's father is my father's son.i've1.T( ) put the pot under the s(un) and add water often.Add t( ) wait for the s( ).At last wait for a flower to grow.2.Zoom:H(ow) do we save water?Zip:F(un),do not waste water.Zoom:Oh,sorry.W(hat) should we do t(hen).Zip:Use less water


a man lonked at photo and said,"that person's father is my father's son.i've
1.T( ) put the pot under the s(un) and add water often.Add t( ) wait for the s( ).At last wait for a flower to grow.
2.Zoom:H(ow) do we save water?
Zip:F(un),do not waste water.
Zoom:Oh,sorry.W(hat) should we do t(hen).
Zip:Use less water



一个男人看了照片 说:那个人的爸爸是我爸爸的儿子 即 照片里的是说话的人或他的亲兄弟


the man himself is in the photo.