1.With the project ___ahead of time,the workers could go home for the festival earlier than scheduledA.to complete B.being completed C.completing D.completed2.It is said that large quantities of food ___to those snow-stricken areasA.has transported B.have transported C.has been transported D.have beentransported3.nearly half of the students in this university said they were in ___at the end of the term.They had to borrow moneyA.search B.trouble C.debt


1.With the project ___ahead of time,the workers could go home for the festival earlier than scheduled
A.to complete B.being completed C.completing D.completed
2.It is said that large quantities of food ___to those snow-stricken areas
A.has transported B.have transported C.has been transported D.have beentransported
3.nearly half of the students in this university said they were in ___at the end of the term.They had to borrow money
A.search B.trouble C.debt D.danger
4.To respnd to the government's call to reduce air pollution,I travel to work by bike every day,____do many of my colleagues
A.such B.as C.which D.though
不对吧 2题 food是单数 但是前面有quantities啊 应该用复数吧

B.being completed
D. have been transported 多种食物
C.debt 联系下文 应该是
没有so选项么? 用as也可以
我的和你差不多 我认为是:为了响应*号召的低碳生活,我每天骑自行车上班/学,我的同学也这么做。
啊 应没什么区别吧 如***所示 ;这一点 Hw was late,as is often the case.
而第一题 是被动关系 但前面的with.

1 D 2 C 3 B 4 C large quantities OF是一词组,固定用法。后修饰不可数名词

2.have been transported

1、completed 因为“题目”与“完成”之间是被动关系,所以要用过去分词表被动含义。
2、C、has been transported 首先food是集合名词,谓语动词用单数,排除BD。其次,“food”和“transported 运输”是被动关系,用be transported 表被动含义
A意为“这样的”B意为“像……一样”C是定语从句的连接词,因为此处没有定语从句所要修饰的名词所以不属于定语从句,若是认为修饰every day 则应该用when,且此处语意不通。D意为“虽然”。比较下来应该是B正确
对于a quantity of + n. +谓语 中的谓语的单复数形式与a lot of 相同,即遵循意义一致原则;
而对于quantities of + n. +谓语 中的谓语一定用复数形式。