这句英语,主语是topics吗?主谓宾或者主系表都是什么,从句?Topics such as death,for example,were once considered so upsetting and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them.


Topics such as death,for example,were once considered so upsetting and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them.

Topics(主语) such as death, for example,were(系) once considered (表)so upsetting and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them.

严格的说,这个句子没有主语。主语只限定在单句中,而整体上看这个句子是so……that复合句。so前面的是说原因的Topics such as death, for example,were once considered so upsetting and unpleasant 这可以算作主语。而在这个句子中Topics such as death, for example是主语were once considered 是系动词,upsetting and unpleasant 是表语,that后面的 it was a taboo to even talk about them. 是一个动词不定式it+系动词+ sth+to do

Topics such as death, for example,were once considered so upsetting and unpleasant that it was a taboo to even talk about them. 整个句子直译过来大意是:诸如像死亡这样的这样的话题曾经被认为是如此的令人...