You may cancel the disk check,but it is strongly recommended that you continue对这句话作业语法分析,主要是it is strongly recommended that you continue,这句中,recommended是动词,为什么前面有it is,


You may cancel the disk check,but it is strongly recommended that you continue
对这句话作业语法分析,主要是it is strongly recommended that you continue,这句中,recommended是动词,为什么前面有it is,

这里的it做形式主语,作为形式主语的it并无实际语义,只是为满足语法上的需要,避免句子头重脚轻,它代替的是句子的逻辑主语。it is strongly recommended that you continue。这句话可以这样理 you continue(the disk check) is strongly recommended .(这个是主系表结构)意为强烈推荐你继续进行磁盘检查。这里 you continue(the disk check)是真正的主语也就是逻辑主语,但是直接放在句首会有点头重脚轻。所以用一个形式主语it 来代替。

it 做形式主语,that 后面做真正的主语 that you continue (the disk check) is strongly recommended recommended 是过去分词形式,表示被动 .意思为某件事被推荐it is recommended 这不就是标准的 被动语态吗翻译...