The teacher said ____ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00.A.those who B.that C.who D.which要有解析


The teacher said ____ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00.
A.those who B.that C.who D.which


those 表示那些(人)在宾语从句中作为must be there before 6:00的主语。
而who是关系代词作为宾从中的wanted to go to the cinema 的主语。

those who 宾语从句
those 作为 said 的宾语,表示said 的对象
同时也作为 定于从句中的主语
who wanted to go to the cinema 作为 those 的定语,who 代表those
must be 作为 从句的谓语,there 作为地点状语,before 6:00 作为时间状语

A those who 宾语从句