英语翻译她问我是否可以照顾她的小狗.( care for)你能帮我给他传个口信吗?( pass on )这本书对年轻人有良好的影响上个学期我数学学得 很吃力你应该养成早起的好习惯


她问我是否可以照顾她的小狗.( care for)
你能帮我给他传个口信吗?( pass on )
上个学期我数学学得 很吃力

She asked me whether I can take care of her dog. (care for)
Can you help me to give him a message? (pass on)
This book had a good effect on young people
Last semester I learn math harder
You should form the good habit of getting up early

She asked me if I can care for her dog.
Can you pass on this message to him for me?
This book has a good affection to the young.
It was hard for me to learn Maths last term.
You should have a good habit to get up early in the morning.