这段英文怎么翻译?有劳各位了.Citect signed a contract with Amcor Australia Packaging (Australia) Pty Ltd, to rollout Citect products in Amcor’s Beverage Cans Division. Already a success with Citect’s implementation of Ampla, CitectSCADA, Citect Support and Citect Professional Services in its Revesby plant, Amcor is now rolling out the same Citect solutions at all Australian and New Zealand Beverage Can manufacturing plants.


Citect signed a contract with Amcor Australia Packaging (Australia) Pty Ltd, to rollout Citect products in Amcor’s Beverage Cans Division. Already a success with Citect’s implementation of Ampla, CitectSCADA, Citect Support and Citect Professional Services in its Revesby plant, Amcor is now rolling out the same Citect solutions at all Australian and New Zealand Beverage Can manufacturing plants.

CITECT 同 AMCOR签定了一个关于在AMCOR饮料罐头分支机构首次展示其产品的合同.在Revesby工厂同CITECT成功合作执行了AMPLA,CitectSCADA,Citect技术支持和专业服务后,AMCOR正在澳大利亚和新西兰的饮料罐头加工厂展开同CITECT一样的方案.