第一单元主题是“How Do You Go There?”第二单元主题是“Where Is the Science Museum?"第三单元主题是"What Are You Going to Do?".对话要求是把这三单元的主题综合起来编个对话.要配上中文意思.


第一单元主题是“How Do You Go There?”第二单元主题是“Where Is the Science Museum?"第三单元主题是"What Are You Going to Do?".对话要求是把这三单元的主题综合起来编个对话.要配上中文意思.

A: hello B 你好B
B: hello A 你好A
A:what are you going to do? 你要去干什么?
B:I want to go to the the Science Museum,could you tell me where it is? 我要去科学博物馆,你能告诉我它在什么地方么?
A:Science Museum? ok,It's in downtown and about 3000 metres away. 科学博物馆?他在商业区,离这有3000米远.
B:How can I get there? 我怎么去那呢?
A:You can take No.101bus to get there 你可以坐101公交车.
B:OK,thank you very mush! 好,非常感谢你!
A:Not at all! 小意思!
B:see you! 再见!
A:see you! 再见!

A:what are you going to do?B:I'm going to the Science Museum.A:Science Museum?Where is it?B:It's in downtown and about 3000 metres away.A:How far it is!How do you go there?Walk?B:No,I'll go there by t...