英语翻译Recording 3Sound of Axton hauling bodies.Axton:There you go,sheriff.Those are the guys who robbed your bank last week.I accept cash.Sheriff Youngblood:Alright.Here's your ten thou.Axton:The warrant says twenty thousand.Sheriff Youngblood:The warrant also specified 'alive.'Axton:Fair enough.Sheriff Youngblood:The hell you looking so sad for?You're still makin' more money than anyone around here'll see in six months?Axton:Eh,it's not the money.It wa


Recording 3
Sound of Axton hauling bodies.
Axton:There you go,sheriff.Those are the guys who robbed your bank last week.I accept cash.
Sheriff Youngblood:Alright.Here's your ten thou.
Axton:The warrant says twenty thousand.
Sheriff Youngblood:The warrant also specified 'alive.'
Axton:Fair enough.
Sheriff Youngblood:The hell you looking so sad for?You're still makin' more money than anyone around here'll see in six months?
Axton:Eh,it's not the money.It was just...easy,you know?Too easy.
Sheriff Youngblood:What'samatter - you didn't get enough glory in the military?
Axton:Oh,there was plenty of glory - just the kind that winds you up on this hellhole of a planet.
Cut to Handsome Jack and Angel.
Handsome Jack:Angel - are we hearing this live,right now?
Handsome Jack:--Get the Hyperion Truth Network on the line now.
Recording 4
Sheriff Youngblood:...Nine thousand,ten thousand.There you go.
Axton:Thanks.You got any other morons you need brought in?
Sheriff Youngblood:Yep.We got the Stoke brothers,Gramma Lopez --
Radio turns on.
Hunter Hellquist:Are you hungry for excitement?Fame?Eternal glory?
Axton:Wait a minute - turn that up.
Hunter Hellquist:The Hyperion corporation needs YOUR help to search for the last alien Vaults on Pandora!See the world!Fight dangerous creatures!Get rich beyond your wildest dreams!Become a Vault Hunter today!
Sheriff Youngblood:You uh - you still wanna hear the rest of the bounties?
Axton:Nope.Sorry,Sheriff - I think I just found a new job.
Audio stream ends.
Handsome Jack:Ha ha!I'm brilliant!Am I-- am I brilliant?I'm brilliant.
Angel:The radio advertisement was a very nice touch,sir.
Handsome Jack:Thankya,Angel.Now do me a favor and put this Axton guy on the list,will you?

Sound of Axton hauling bodies.Axton拖着重物的声音Axton: There you go, sheriff. Those are the guys who robbed your bank last week. I accept cash.Axton: 治安官,给你.这就是上周抢了你的银行的人.我收现金.S...