you discover a pattern typically associate with a 'sensitive period'-a development window during which the brain can act


you discover a pattern typically associate with a 'sensitive period'-a development window during which the brain can actaully nbe modified in ways that are possible earlier or later in life.请问during which the brain can actaully nbe modified in ways that are not possible earlier or later in life.这两个从句分别是什么从句?又修饰的谁呢?如果有时间,就麻烦你了,
during which the brain can actaully nbe modified

1 during which ==during a 'sensitive period'
2 in ways that are not possible==== ways ,these / those ways are not possible那修饰的都是什么词呢?谢谢你好。都是定语从句。1 during which==duringa 'sensitive period'2 in ways that are notpossible====ways , these / those ways are not possible 我星期一白天为你详细解释行吗?星期天我要外出授课一天。