英语翻译In an embodiment of this invention,to avoid having slightly-delayed responses being routed to the wrong contact-number,the billboard provider uses different response numbers 120 a,120 b for immediately time-adjacent messages.For example,if the duration that the billboard displays each message is fifteen minutes,and a viewer notices the message 130 a during the fifteenth minute of its display and commences a response,the response may not be complet


In an embodiment of this invention,to avoid having slightly-delayed responses being routed to the wrong contact-number,the billboard provider uses different response numbers 120 a,120 b for immediately time-adjacent messages.For example,if the duration that the billboard displays each message is fifteen minutes,and a viewer notices the message 130 a during the fifteenth minute of its display and commences a response,the response may not be completed and/or received by the billboard-provider until after message 130 b is being displayed.If the same response-number is displayed on the billboard for both messages 130 a and 130 b,when this late-response to message 130 a is received while message 130 b is being displayed,the billboard provider will likely send the message to the contact-number associated with message 130 b,rather than the contact-number associated with message 130 a,particularly if it is received well after a viewer could have responded to the message 130 b.If the billboard-provider alternates the use of two response-numbers in the above example,the response-number 120 b will be different from the response-number 120 a,and there will be a fifteen minute “buffer period”.available,during which any late-responses received at the response-number 120 a could be routed to the contact-number associated with the message 130 a.In a preferred embodiment,this buffer period is further segregated into a first period for receiving late-responses at the response-number 120 a,and a second period for refusing acceptance of further messages at the response-number 120 a,thereby providing a “clear period” between receiving responses to message 130 a and enabling receiving responses to message 130 c,using the same response-number at 120 a,120 c.During this clear period,subsequent calls may be refused,resulting in a busy-signal to the sender,or,a recorded message could be provided,advising the responder that the contact-number is no longer valid.If the billboard-provider uses additional alternative response-numbers,the duration of the buffer period and/or clear period can be correspondingly increased.Optionally,to allow for a longer response period,the responder may be provided the option of identifying which of N previously displayed messages at this contact-number the response is to be directed.Each displayed message may have an identifying index number,or the system could read-back some or all of the displayed message to the responder for selection,using an SMS-to Speech converter.These and other techniques for managing the association of each response to the proper message will be evident to one of ordinary skill in the art in view of this disclosure.

在体现了这一发明,以避免略有推迟答复被路由到错误的联络号码,在Billboard提供商使用不同的反应号码120 ,120 B的立即时间邻近的信息.例如,如果持续时间,该广告牌显示每封邮件是十五分钟,观众告示邮件130在第十五分钟和开始其显示的反应,反应可能无法完成和/或收到的广告牌,供应商信息后才130 B的显示.如果同样的反应,一些是广告牌上显示的信息为130和130 b ,在本次迟交的响应消息是130 ,而收到的130 B的消息显示,在Billboard提供商可能会发送邮件联系号码相关的信息130 b ,而不是接触一些相关的信息130 ,特别是如果收到后,观众也可以响应消息130湾如果在Billboard提供商候补委员使用两个反应号码在上面的例子中,我们的反应,120 B将若干不同的反应号码120 ,和会有一十五分钟“缓冲期” .提供,在此期间,任何下旬收到的答复在回应数120可路由的接触一些相关的信息130答:在首选的体现,这种缓冲期进一步分隔成第一期接受迟交的答复在回应数120 ,第二期,拒绝接受进一步的消息的反应号码120 ,从而提供了一个“明确期“的反应之间的信息接收130和扶持收到答复邮件130 ć ,使用相同的反应号码120 ,120角在此明确的时期,随后的电话可能被拒绝,因此在繁忙的信号给寄件者,或记录的信息可以提供,提供咨询意见回覆,联络号码不再有效.如果在Billboard提供商使用额外的替代反应号码,期间的缓冲期和/或明确期限可以相应增加.或者,允许较长的响应期间,回覆可提供的选择,确定其中的N先前显示的信息在此联络号码对策是针对.每个显示的信息可能会确定一些指标,或系统可以读回的部分或全部显示的信息,回复的选择,使用的是短信语音转换器.这些和其他的技术来管理协会的每一个反应的适当的信息将被明显的一个普通技能的艺术鉴于此披露.